sábado, maio 31, 2008

Don´t cry

"Know you that you all children of Jah!
Temple of the living God Jah said:‘I will dwell in themI will be there while they will be my children Fear not for the lamb has come
Don’t cry, come dry your weary eyes
Just have faith and put trust in Jah far I
Don’t cry, come dry your weary eyes
Just have faith and put trust in Jah far I (...)
Don’t cry, come dry your weary eyesJust have faith and put trust in Jah far IDon’t cry, come dry your weary eyesJust have faith and put trust in
Jah see you’re laboring Patience and strengthening
And he hears your prayer when you call him
They don’t know how much you can bear
Just keep yourself preparedTo face what soever situation that come
You might be feeling alone
Think you have no one to call onAnytime you feel that pain
Take a deep breath and realizeWhere that breath came from..."-Don't Cry- Dezarie